GEDEX organizes and helps oversee all of your law office, partnership, or legal department's cases.
It can efficiently computerize all of your information, with all of the advantages that his entails: flexible monitoring, easy maintenance, local network support, telecommuting, document centralizing, among others.
It’s a product that is full adaptable to different management styles, allowing it to be integrated into your office without changing the way you do things.
Instantly classify your files according to several different variables (deadlines, opening status, etc.).
Quickly finds files and contacts, also lets you link them.
Fees displayed in any currency, letting you create mixed accounting entries.
Automatically calculates court districts, provinces and phone prefixes.
Comes with an advanced contacts agenda which is directly connected with all associated case files. If you're familiar with Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Organizer, then you'll find the GEDEX contacts book incorporates the best of both; it is also compatible with both (and with all vCard applications).
As promised to the technical support team, I publicly thank them for the excellent service they have provided, helping me install it on all the computers in our office and patiently handling my multip...See more